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My Olympic Ribbon Gymnist

This is really a have to be there kind of moment. Arama Teancum is quite a character most of the time. When he is in a good mood, he is hilarious! We have been working hard at cleaning up our farm over the school holidays. Nauvoo had found a roll of white ribbon in the rubbish pile we were loading for the tip. Teancum had the brainstorm with the wind so strong as it was he had the idea to make it fly.

At first I thought to growl him for being on top of my car.... yes on top of, I mean he is almost 6ft already. but then took a chill pill and found my "olympic ribbon gymnast. He was making that ribbon go! I figured the reason he was on top of the car was to get more height. I think I 'll buy him a Kite!

The photo's that show dotted white lines is the ribbon in circular motion... My phone camera is not the best but it gives you a good taste of what he was doing...

Gold medals all round! lol!!


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