Our son Rakaipaka could seriously be on Bill Crosby's, "Kids say the darndest things". He comes out with some really funny things to say. Today was no exception.
We had just dropped of the younger kids to school, and was on the way to his daycare. Rakai says to me" Mum, are you crazy?!" I answered "of course I am, aren't you?
Rakai replied: " No, Im a MAN!"
If that was not funny enough, when we arrived in the carpark of his 'school' he asked if he could walk himself to his class. I told him I needed to sign him in so I would take him in, he had an answer for that too... He said he would sign himself in ....
4 years going on 14 some times I tell you!!
We had just dropped of the younger kids to school, and was on the way to his daycare. Rakai says to me" Mum, are you crazy?!" I answered "of course I am, aren't you?
Rakai replied: " No, Im a MAN!"
If that was not funny enough, when we arrived in the carpark of his 'school' he asked if he could walk himself to his class. I told him I needed to sign him in so I would take him in, he had an answer for that too... He said he would sign himself in ....
4 years going on 14 some times I tell you!!
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