My Rangikawea turned 13 on the 9th of Feb. As his birthday falls on a Sunday this year, he had 2 friends over on the Friday night before and activities on the saturday. Kawea was really great. He only asked for 2 friends to come over one from school and one from church. They all seemed to get along really well. Friday night was Nacho's and Banana Ice cream Splits. The boys then watched movies and hung out in the 'man cave'. Saturday morning Paint balling was on the agenda. Mid day we arrived at Woodhill Forest - about 25 min from our house. The boys ( Nauvoo, Teancum and Dad included) suited up for their day of fun. The age limit was 10 to participate. I am sooo glad of this - can you imagine Hikawera and Renata running around wth a paintball gun?? (yeah NAAH!) After suiting up This is Nauvoo in her combat suit Kawea, Teropere, and Jacob Dad, Arama T, Nauvoo, Kawea, Teropere and Jacob ready for action. there was a very cool safety breifing. S...