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Hakari Mata Summit

Karleen and I (my sister in law) have been fitness buddies since we have moved down here. We motivate each other to get up at 6am and run or do a fitness workout. 
There is a summit called the Hakarimata's. A gruelling 1500 stairs up a continuous climb  for about 1.5-2kms. I does not sound like much of a distance but it is if you are stairing it 99% of the way. 
Early Saturday morning, Karleen and I set out to conquer the mountain!!
It was a lovely bush walk till the stairs hit. Yes they suck you into it.. Lol
It was painful, and amazing. All walks of life, all shapes and sizea and all abilities. 
Those coming down have big smiles on their faces. One lady coming down was trying to encourage us, she said keep going, your nearly there. We thought phew! Then she added, half way is just up there!! I tell you if I was not with Karleen I would have turned around half way. A bonus though at half way, our first bench seat on the trail!! 
Needless to say, we made it to the top. And my what a view and sense of accomplishment we had. So empowering. I laughed most the way down as my legs felt like major jelly and it was all I could do from falling down the 1500 steps!!

A fantastic hike, and yes we will do it again!  


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