Hikawera had been counting down the sleeps till his 5th birthday. Friday morning arrived with the question. "is it my birthday today?" He was so excited. He opened his Good morning presents. His cousin Tawhaio surprised us with a visit and a gift also. Thank you Tawhaio! Hikawera was due to attend his last pre visit for school so we started running. Hikawera has been enjoying making his lunch with the older ones the night before and packing his bag for the day ahead. It was a great morning at school with Hikawera sitting his first spelling test. He did really well, being able to spell I, am, is, a. Not bad for a boy who has not "officially" started school. ( In NZ you have to be 5 years old to be counted as officially attending school. His first "official" day is Tuesday 7th June). He has several children from his rugby team that are in his class too so friends are not a problem. Once morning tea was finished, his class sang him Happy Birt...