You know good days are coming when the Summer activities resume. Spring is on it's way with the frosts in the morning followed by beautiful sunny days, and it doesnt get dark till much later. The boys started playing outside together,
The sound of the motorbike can be heard with squeals of delight as their favorite uncle takes everyone that wants to (and everyone does) for a ride around the property.
And our van recieved the royal treatment of a full valet service. Thanks boys!
Hikawera was hiding in the long grass
And our van recieved the royal treatment of a full valet service. Thanks boys!
Spring at long last is finally here.
My kids wait until we can't get into the car any more for all the mess. You know when you open the doors and stuff just falls out everywhere. I have to say that i actually don't like it when its all cleaned out because without fail i need a pair of shorts or shoes for one of the little ones, or a snack even and there is nothing there. So you can always see the good in a messy car. Mark would disagree though.