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The 'not so ideal' mother/daughter night

Our family has been pretty good with no major injuries this past 6 months. (the ones that you can't fix with a plaster). Until yesterday........

As of late Kawea and Nauvoo in particular have been battling over who gets the front seat of the car when we get in..... not a big thing to get worked up about I know but when you are in that car twice a day and the same riot happens every time, something has to give... and I did!! Finally I snapped and declared that seeing as they could not get in the car (knowing our family rule is eldest in the front) without the drama's we simply would not use the car. So, now instead of driving to the bus stop approx 1 km away, we walk it.
Yesterday afternoon was the first day. It was a beautiful day and I actually enjoyed the walk. Renata, Rakaipaka and I made it down to the stop in about 20 minutes. Walking back was actually fun. For me.. Nauvoo and I had some great bonding time. She was determined to let me pull her up the hill so I had lots of fun with that. Renata decided to pick up 'every' rock along the way and do something with it...

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Every rock... almost.

Even Rakaipaka ran the last leg home.

my baby getting bigger

When we arrived home I asked Nauvoo let the puppies out for a run. She threw off her school bag and ran down to let them out. She opened the gate and ran back towards me excited and the puppies equally excited ran after her. Being the big floppy puppies they are (now 3 months old and solid) they ran frantically around.... Nauvoo's legs. Within a minute of that gate opened they had taken Nauvoo's legs out from under her and she fell hevily on her right arm. She jumped up and realized she could not hold her arm up. I knew straight away... her arm was broken, and broken really well!! (your arm is just not supposed to bend like that!!)

It was Load up and Out to the A&E, where the nurse confirmed they would not be able to fix it there. Road trip!! Not really, but off to the 'city' to the North Shore Hospital. They were notified we were coming, so after meeting Arama and giving him the boys, daughter and I drove in. By then her arm was in a temporary cast slab and had pleanty of pain killers and anti flams so she was ok. Actually she is a really strong girl!
waiting for the numbing cream on her hand for the drip

It was a blessing that Emergency was not busy, and we were ushered right through. The staff were fantastic. Nauvoo was given a drug that puts her brain to sleep so they could reset her forearm. It lasts for about 10 minutes then she slowly comes out of it. They dont remember or feel a thing.. I must say it was a blessing to be able to sit by her side and to have great facilities around her and amazing staff to compliment.
Just before the proceeeduree.

Once the arm was reset, there was another xray to make sure that the bones were straight and where they needed to be to heal properly. She was wheeled back into her cubical to fully recover out of her anastetic.

cutting the strip out of the plaster for swelling

vibrator cutter, such a brave girl.

One thing I found really interesting was that they put a full cast on then when it was set, they cut a 2 ml piece length ways up her arm to give the cast the ability to move as swelling came and went. When this was done Nauvoo was able to choose the color of her  funky bandage over the top of the cast. Of course she chose Purple. ( Rongomaiwahine colors through and through!!) With a Lemonade Iceblock, and a sticker we were done.
Enjoying the reward of a lemonade iceblock and check out the cast!!!

Even though the occasion was not ideal, I did enjoy being with my daugher. I did tell her, that the next 'mother/daughter' date we need to do something that involves nail polish and a tonne of ice cream!!!

Check out the xray!!! Both Bones in her forearm!!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! What a day you all had.. Its her right arm too. Please give her a big kiss from us!

  2. Oh, poor thing! You know, broken arms seems to be going around! I noticed on Elissa's blog that Talei broke hers too! Our niece recently broke hers as well. These young girls and their arms! :) Give her our best!!!


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